How to STAY Motivated Throughout the Decluttering process

Does this sound familiar:

You are determined to clear up the clutter in your house. The decluttering process has been great. And then, somewhere along the way, the motivation fizzles out. And when things get a little challenging, you quit, leaving a half-organized mess.

It’s really frustrating, right?

Once you’ve got the motivation to kickstart your decluttering journey, it is crucial to keep that motivation alive in order to achieve your goal of a clutter-free home.

In this article, I will share some practical strategies to ensure you stay motivated throughout the process.

Let’s begin!

Helpful Tips to stay motivated throughout the decluttering process

tip #1 Make Sure your goal is Attainable

Decluttering your home is like climbing a mountain – setting realistic milestones along the way makes the journey feel manageable and encourages you to keep going.

Trying to declutter your entire home in one go is likely to be overwhelming and may leave you feeling discouraged. Break your big project down into smaller, more manageable tasks so you can celebrate your progress along the way.

Here is an example of a small goal that is specific and measurable:

  • Spend 30 minutes every day on decluttering the house.
  • Spend an afternoon decluttering all pants that don’t fit.
  • Finish decluttering the kitchen by 9pm tonight.

I have two other posts about where to start decluttering, and how to set your decluttering goals if you are interested.

Tip#2: Visualize the benefits of decluttering

Frequently remind yourself how a clutter-free environment can reduce stress, create more space for what you love, and make daily life smoother.

When you’ve been decluttering for a while and that fatigue starts to creep in, visualize how great your home will feel once all the clutter has been removed.

Picture yourself walking into the living room or bedroom without all the extra stuff laying around. Imagine finding your favorite shirt quickly and easily, without having to dig through piles of clothes.

This mental picture can be incredibly compelling. It serves as a constant reminder of why you embarked on the decluttering journey in the first place and can refuel your motivation.

Tip#3: Revise your plan and schedule often

Revising your decluttering plan and schedule is crucial throughout the decluttering process because decluttering is a dynamic and evolving journey.

Your priorities may change as you progress, with some areas needing more attention than initially planned.

Finding hidden items might change your plans, and you’ll need to decide what to do with them. Emotional attachments can slow you down, needing extra time and thought. Unexpected things like life events, surprise guests, or personal changes can mess up your schedule, so you might need to make adjustments.

You’ll also learn more about your preferences and pace, leading to potential refinements in your methods and timeframes. Being flexible with your plan can prevent burnout and promote efficiency.

Tip#4 Get Inspired and Learn from others

Learning from others can be a powerful source of motivation during your decluttering journey, especially when you face challenges.

When you are unsure which decluttering method you should use, encounter a tough decision about whether to keep or let go of a sentimental item, or when you’re struggling with the process, you can turn to the experiences and advice of those who’ve successfully decluttered before you.

By reading books, blogs, or following decluttering experts on social media, you gain insights into their strategies and the hurdles they’ve overcome. This shared knowledge can provide valuable guidance and boost your confidence in your own decluttering efforts.

When you see others who’ve faced similar challenges and persevered, it reminds you that you can do it too. Their stories serve as a motivating reminder that you’re not alone on this decluttering journey, and that obstacles can be surmounted.

So, learning from others becomes a source of inspiration, helping you stay determined and motivated to overcome any decluttering challenges that come your way.

Tip#5: Find ways to Make Decluttering more enjoyable

To maintain your motivation and successfully complete your decluttering project, how about making it fun and enjoyable?

When you find pleasure in decluttering, it transforms the process from a daunting task into an engaging and rewarding journey.

One way to add enjoyment is to create a soundtrack with your favorite music or enjoy the company of audiobooks or podcasts as you work. These distractions make the time fly by and the effort feel less onerous.

Additionally, involving family members and friends can turn decluttering into a social and group activity, making it a shared experience that’s not only productive but also enjoyable, keeping you motivated along the way.

Tip#6 Share your progress on social media

Sharing your decluttering progress on social media can be a great way to stay accountable and motivated.

When you let your friends and family in on your journey, you create a sense of responsibility to keep up with your decluttering goals. You’ll know that people are eagerly anticipating updates and photos of your progress, which can serve as a powerful motivator.

What’s more, your loved ones can provide a support system, offering words of encouragement and congratulations when you make significant strides.

During moments of doubt or when you’re feeling discouraged, their positive feedback can reignite your enthusiasm, making the decluttering process feel like a shared and rewarding experience.

Tip#7: Reward yourself for your progress

As you make strides in your decluttering journey, don’t forget the importance of rewarding yourself. Acknowledging your achievements, no matter how small, can be a powerful motivator.

After finishing a task, treat yourself to something you enjoy, be it a tasty snack, a brief coffee break, or a few minutes with a good book. These rewards provide a tangible sense of accomplishment and offer positive reinforcement for your efforts.

They break down the decluttering process into manageable steps, making it feel less like a daunting chore and more like a series of small, enjoyable milestones.

This, in turn, helps you maintain your motivation and stay on track toward your goal of a simplified and clutter-free home.

Tip#8: Don’t forget to take breaks

Taking breaks during the decluttering process is essential for maintaining your motivation. Think of it as recharging your energy.

When you’re decluttering, you’re making decisions, sorting, and organizing, which can be mentally and physically taxing. Breaks help prevent burnout and keep you from feeling overwhelmed.

Imagine you’re cleaning out your closet. After going through a pile of clothes, take a short break to relax, have a snack, or do something enjoyable. It’s like a breather that allows you to return to the task with a fresh perspective.

These breaks make the decluttering process feel less demanding and more manageable, ensuring you can sustain your motivation and see it through to the end.


Staying motivated throughout the decluttering process requires a multifaceted approach.

First, ensure your goal is realistic and achievable to maintain enthusiasm. Next, consistently remind yourself of the vast benefits decluttering brings, from reduced stress to enhanced living spaces.

Frequent revisions to your plan and schedule are essential for adapting to changing circumstances and challenges. Injecting enjoyment into the process, involving creativity, music, or friends, can keep the momentum going.

Sharing your progress on social media not only provides accountability but also offers a sense of accomplishment. Finally, celebrating each milestone with well-deserved rewards serves as a powerful incentive.

By incorporating these tips, you’ll stay motivated and on track toward achieving a clutter-free and simplified home, making your life more enjoyable and stress-free.

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