Decluttering for Beginners: 10 helpful Tips to Get Started

Do you often feel overwhelmed by the amount of stuff in your home? Do you have closets bursting with clothes you rarely wear, drawers overflowing with papers you don’t read, and shelves sagging with books you never touch?

If you’re feeling weighed down by your stuff, it’s time to declutter!

Decluttering is the process of getting rid of unwanted or unused items in your home. If you have a lot of stuff, it can be a daunting task and may take you a while to complete, but it’s worth it in the end.

So, are you ready to learn more about decluttering and how you can get started? Let’s dive in!

Why is decluttering important?

There are many benefits to decluttering your home. Here are just a few:

Reduces Stress and Anxiety:

Imagine coming home to a space that’s more like a chaotic maze than a sanctuary. The clutter can be overwhelming, creating a constant undercurrent of stress and anxiety.

However, when you start decluttering, you’re not just tidying up; you’re on a journey to transform your home into a serene and peaceful haven.

As you gradually clear away the excess, you’ll discover the calming effects of a clutter-free environment.

Saves Time and Money:

When your home is cluttered, you find yourself frantically searching for your keys, wallet, or that one important document. Or you might constantly repurchasing items because you cannot find them.

Once you’ve decluttered your home, it will be a lot easier to locate what you need when you need it. Not only will you save time, but you’ll also save your hard-earned money.

Improves Your Physical Health:

Have you ever considered that the dust and mold lurking in cluttered corners could be affecting your health? Clutter is as a magnet for these unwelcome guests, potentially triggering allergies and asthma.

By decluttering, you’re not only reclaiming your space but also investing in your well-being. Breathing cleaner air can reduce your risk of falling sick and make your home a healthier place to live.

Creates a More Inviting Space:

Feeling too embarrassed to invite friends or neighbors over for coffee due to the clutter in your home? A clutter-free space is much more inviting and welcoming to guests. It opens the door to enjoyable moments with friends in the comfort of your own house.

10 Easy Tips to get started with decluttering

Now that you know the importance of decluttering, here are the 10 tips to get you started:

1. Set realistic goals

Be honest with yourself about the time and energy you can commit to this process.

Start by identifying a specific area or category you want to declutter, such as a closet, your kitchen, or your book collection. Break the task into smaller, manageable steps, so you can track your progress and avoid feeling overwhelmed.

By setting achievable goals, you’ll build momentum and stay motivated throughout your decluttering journey.

2. practice mindful consumption

Even though this is technically not decluttering, but practicing mindful consumption is a key part of process to simplifying your home. It means being careful about what you buy and only bringing things into your home that truly serve a purpose.

This approach helps prevent future clutter and encourages you to choose quality over quantity when shopping. It’s a way to keep your living space tidy and simplify your life in the long run.

3. Decide once on what to do with your clutter

Before you start the decluttering process, take some time to decide how you’ll handle the items you’re decluttering. This way, you won’t have to think about it during the process. It’s a good way to reduce decision fatigue.

Let’s say you are about to declutter your closet. Take some time to decide on where you will take your unwanted clothes to. Do you have a favorite charity or shelter? Do you know a friend or a relative who can benefit from them?

For example, I personally have a favorite charity that specifically helps homeless school-age kids, so I’ve decided that the way I handle unwanted clothes is to donate to this organization.

Once I’ve made this decision, whenever I declutter my closet, I don’t need to think about whether a certain piece of clothing was suitable for a friend or if I could sell it, and so on.

This helps me focus on my decluttering task without getting distracted, as well as reduce decision fatigue.

Donation box with clothing on red background close-up

4. pick a suitable decluttering method

You may have heard of some decluttering methods and wonder which one you should pick. Methods such as KonMari, the Minimalist Challenge, the 20/20 rule…etc.

Since everyone has a unique lifestyle, your decluttering goal may not match others’. It’s essential to find a method that fits YOUR situation, so you stay motivated until you finish decluttering.

Do you prefer a quick, intense 3-day project for fast results? Or do you like the idea of taking it slow, decluttering a few items each day to build a habit and become more mindful of your belongings?

No matter which method you go for, consistency is key. Stick with your chosen approach to make steady progress in simplifying and decluttering your space.

5. Pick a right place to start

There is no right or wrong answer when deciding where to start decluttering your home. It ultimately comes down to figuring out what will work best for you and your situation.

Here are some ideas for you to choose from:

  • The least cluttered area of your home
  • The area where you are the most embarrassed for visitors to see
  • Area where you spend most of your time at
  • Area that gives you the most stress
  • Area you have neutral feelings about

The important thing is to just get started somewhere. Once you get the ball rolling, you’ll be surprised at how quickly the rest of your house starts to come together.

6. Make decluttering more enjoyable

Decluttering your home doesn’t have to be a boring chore. You can make the process more enjoyable to keep your motivation going until you achieve a clutter-free home.

Here are some examples of how you can make decluttering more enjoyable:

  • Put on music or podcast
  • Make it a friendly competition
  • Create a challenge
  • Post your progress photos on social media
Happy young woman sorting wardrobe indoors at home, charity donation concept.

7. Learn how to overcome challenges while decluttering

Decluttering is like a self-discovery journey. Once you start, you will learn so much about yourself. Expect to face challenges along the way, but remember to think about your decluttering goal, and find suitable solutions.

Some common challenges faced when decluttering are:

8. Don’t be afraid to ask for help

Don’t hesitate to seek assistance if you encounter challenges during your decluttering journey. It’s entirely normal to face obstacles, and there’s no shame in asking for help when needed.

Whether it’s enlisting a friend or family member for support, consulting decluttering experts, or even seeking guidance online or through resources, reaching out can provide valuable insights and encouragement.

9. Learn from your clutter

Each piece of clutter can be a lesson waiting to be learned. Look at the items you purchased but don’t use and try to remember what went on in your mind when you decided to get them.

Let share my personal experience as an example:

During my decluttering journey, I made a revealing self-discovery: I had a tendency to turn to “shopping” as my immediate solution when facing a problem, without addressing its root cause. For instance, when I aimed to start an exercise routine, my first instinct was to buy new workout gear instead of focusing on building the habit.

Consequently, I struggled to establish a consistent exercise routine, and those unused workout outfits ended up as clutter.

By understanding why it accumulated, you can avoid repeating the pattern that lead to clutter in the future.

10. Don’t forget to celebrate your progress

Every small achievement, like cleaning out a cluttered space or organizing your digital files, deserves recognition.

Take a moment to acknowledge your hard work. Treat yourself to something you enjoy or simply take a break.

Celebrating your progress boosts your motivation and reminds you of the positive changes you’re making in your space. It’s a way to stay focused on your goal of having a clutter-free and organized environment.


Decluttering can make a significant difference in your life and living space. You’ve learned why decluttering is important and explored ten easy tips to get started.

These tips cover setting realistic goals, being mindful of what you bring in, choosing the right method, and where to begin.

Additionally, they touch on dealing with challenges, seeking help when needed, and even gaining insights from your clutter. And don’t forget to celebrate your progress.

With these tips, you can work toward a clutter-free and organized space that aligns with your goals.

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