How to Give These 5 Areas Of Your Home A Quick Daily Reset

One of my vivid childhood memories is of my mom having my brother and me tidy up the living room as part of our family’s routine for getting ready to go out.

She would say, “Put away your toys, so we will return to a lovely tidy home!”

At the time, I didn’t understand her reasoning. What was the point of tidying up, if we would resume playing with the toys when we returned home?

It was only after I had my own family and our own house, that I truly understood and appreciated the powerful mental effects of a ‘home reset’. What my mother wanted was the feeling of a fresh start when returning home.

In this article, we’ll explore the importance of a daily reset, the personal benefits it brings, and practical tips on how to reset different areas of your home.

Why a Daily Reset?

You might be wondering, just as I once did, what is the point of resetting your home if things are going to return to their original state anyway? Isn’t it just adding extra work and inconvenience?

Here are some of the reasons for daily reset that might motivate you:

If you like the idea of “doing it now to make later easier”

When my mother said, “Clean up now, so we will return to a lovely tidy home,” what she really meant was, “Let’s do the work now, so when we get home, we can be in a great mood and get on with our tasks.”

This is more of a psychological effect, but if you appreciate delayed gratification and the great feeling of a fresh start, then you will value the daily resets.

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If you don’t Like dealing with Overwhelming Mess

Are you someone who tends to be overwhelmed when looking at or thinking about the large amount of mess you have to deal with?

If so, here is the motivation to prevent it from happening: by giving your home a daily reset, you can manage the mess and clutter before they have a chance to pile up and become a daunting project.

If You don’t like the idea of “Tidy up As You Go”

On the other extreme, if you aim to have a clutter-free home, but find “tidying up as you go” puts too much pressure on you, then tidying up only once a day could be the solution.

Not everyone has the time or inclination to tidy up as they go about their day. A daily reset provides an opportunity to address any clutter or mess that may have accumulated, even if you haven’t been able to tidy up throughout the day.

Personal Benefits of Daily Resets:

In addition to preventing clutter from piling up, here are some powerful personal benefits of doing daily reset of your home:

Your productivity is increased

Let’s say you’ve found a great recipe and want to make it for dinner. You’ve picked up the necessary items from the supermarket on your way home from work. But when you arrive home, you find your kitchen sink full of dirty dishes and pots. Your excitement quickly fades as you realize you have to clean up first.

A daily home reset can help your home routine start off on the right foot. Since tidying up was already done in the previous routine cycle, you can confidently proceed with today’s routine without the worry of having to tidy up first.

you feel in control

Rather than passively letting the mess pile up and take over your home, you take charge to tidy up. The feeling of being in control can boost your confidence and help you in other parts of life.

You become more intentional with your possessions

As you reset your home each day, you have the opportunity to evaluate the items you own and decide whether they truly serve a purpose. As a result, you become motivated to avoid impulse purchases to make tidying up easier.

Daily Reset These 5 Areas of Your Home:

After learning about the reasons and personal benefits of a daily home reset, now let’s get to the practical tips of how to do it.

Remember, the daily reset is not the same as “deep cleaning”. You do not need hours to do it. In fact, in most cases, you can complete the task in just a few minutes.

Your goal is to return items to their proper storing place.

In addition, you do not need to complete these 5 areas all at once. You may find some areas easier to get done in the morning, and some in the evening. Just plan to get to each area according to your schedule.

Here are the 5 areas, and how to ‘reset’ them.

Kitchen/Dining Table:

  • Clear and wipe down countertops, removing any clutter or food debris.
  • Wash and put away dishes, ensuring the sink is empty.
  • Collect cups or plates from other parts of your home and return them to the kitchen.

Entryway/Drop Zone:

  • Organize shoes by placing them neatly in a designated area or shoe rack.
  • Hang up jackets or coats and store bags in their designated spots.
  • Arrange sports equipment or other items in an organized manner.


  • Make your bed, straightening the sheets and fluffing pillows.
  • Put away any clothes that may be lying around, either in the laundry or back in the closet.
  • Take a moment to declutter surfaces such as dressers or nightstands, removing any unnecessary items.

Living Room:

  • Fluff and arrange pillows, cushions, and throws on the sofa.
  • Clear and organize the coffee table, removing any unnecessary items.
  • Put away any items that have been left out, such as books or magazines.


  • Wipe down countertops and sinks, removing any water spots or residue.
  • Put away any toiletries or personal items that may be cluttering the space.


Incorporating a daily reset into your routine is a simple yet powerful way to maintain a tidy and organized home.

By understanding the importance of a daily reset, recognizing the benefits it brings, and implementing practical strategies to reset different areas of your home, you can create a living space that promotes peace, productivity, and a sense of well-being.

Remember, consistency is key, and with time, these daily reset habits will become second nature, allowing you to effortlessly maintain a clean and organized home.

By following these tips and making a daily reset a part of your routine, you can enjoy the benefits of a tidy and organized living space every day.

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