12 Achievable New Year’s Resolution ideas to Simplify Your Life

As we approach the New Year, it’s time to start thinking about resolutions. This year, how about focusing on simplifying your life?

This article presents 12 ideas for New Year’s resolutions that center around three key areas: decluttering, intentional shopping, and simplifying daily routines.

Don’t worry, these resolution ideas are “baby steps” that are achievable and easy to carry out. And though they are just small steps, with some dedication and commitment, they can make a big difference in cultivating a more balanced and intentional life.

So, let’s dive into these new year’s resolution ideas and start simplifying your life!

New Year’s Resolution Ideas for a clutter-free Home

Here are the ideas for decluttering your home. The goal is to establish good habits and become more aware of your possessions, so that you can be more intentional with your stuff.

Let it go text on hand design concept

1) Spend 10 Minutes a Day Decluttering:

I highly recommend the concept of “slow decluttering.”

While you may not see immediate results, taking a gradual approach actually yields more benefits. By breaking down the decluttering process into smaller, manageable tasks, you can avoid feeling overwhelmed and experiencing decision fatigue. 

Make it a habit to dedicate just 10 minutes each day to decluttering a specific area. The key is to choose a time that best suits your schedule and incorporate it into your daily routine.

Are you an early bird who prefers tackling the 10 minutes before starting your day? Or do you find the evenings, after putting your children to bed, as the perfect time?

By selecting the time when you have the most energy, you’ll be able to make effective decisions and achieve greater success in your decluttering journey.

Remember, slow and steady progress is what leads to sustainable change. Embrace this approach and watch as your home becomes more organized and peaceful over time.

2) Declutter One Thing a Day:

Don’t worry if you’re still a bit hesitant about dedicating 10 minutes each day to decluttering. You can start even smaller by getting rid of just one item daily.

Although it may not seem like much, your efforts will steadily accumulate over time. This gradual approach ensures a systematic reduction of belongings, preventing any future accumulation.

But that’s not all!

By actively searching for one item to declutter every day, you become more aware of your possessions. Each item you choose to declutter is the result of thoughtful decision-making, which means you won’t have to worry about regretting those choices later on.

3) Daily Reset of Important Areas:

Make it a daily habit to tidy up key spaces, or high-traffic areas in your home, such as your entry way, dining room and kitchen.

For example, in the entryway, you can take a few minutes to hang up jackets, put away shoes, and straighten any items left on the table or counter. In the kitchen and dining room, clear off countertops, wipe down surfaces, and put away any dishes or utensils that may be out of place.

The key is to focus on these tasks with a positive mindset. Rather than viewing it as a chore, think of it as an opportunity to create a fresh start each day. As you make this routine a habit, you’ll find that it becomes easier and more enjoyable.

4) Make Your Bed Every Morning:

Making your bed every morning may seem like a small and insignificant task, but it can actually have a big impact on your day.

By taking just a few minutes to make your bed, you are starting your day off with a sense of accomplishment and order. It sets a positive tone for the rest of your day and can help you feel more organized and productive.

5) Schedule Donation Well in Advance:

Are you looking for a little extra motivation to declutter your home? One simple trick is to schedule a donation date in advance.

By setting a specific date to drop off your donations, you give yourself a clear deadline and a tangible goal to work towards. This can help you stay motivated and focused as you sort through your belongings.

New Year’s Resolution Ideas For Shopping With Intention

Shopping with intention is the best way to prevent “future clutter” from entering your home. Let’s take a look at these resolution ideas:

6) Think About Where You’ll Store the New Item Before It’s Bought:

Before making a purchase, it’s essential to consider where you will store the new item. This involves thinking about the available space in your home and determining if the item can be accommodated without causing unnecessary clutter.

This approach ensures that the item can be properly stored when not in use, so your home will be organized and clutter-free.

7) One In, One Out for items in the same category

When you see something at the store that you want to buy (for example, a pair of sneakers), think about what can you remove from your home that is in the same category.

When you start implementing the “one in, one out” rule while shopping, you’ll find that it helps you become more conscious and deliberate about your purchases, ultimately leading to a reduction in impulse buying

8) Wait for two Weeks before buying:

When you are tempted to buy an new item, leave it in your shopping cart and wait for 2 weeks before clicking that “Buy” button. This allows for a cooling-off period, preventing impulsive buying decisions.

I often find myself tempted by advertisements, but when I intentionally wait for a period of time, I find myself not caring about that product anymore. And if, after doing some research, I still feel the need to purchase it, I know it’s a thoughtful decision and that item is less likely to become clutter.

9) Unsubscribe From Emails:

Streamline your inbox and reduce the temptation to shop impulsively by unsubscribing from marketing emails. This minimizes distractions and helps you focus on intentional purchasing decisions.

10) Find something to do in Place of Scrolling on Social Media:

Instead of aimlessly scrolling on social media, consider alternative activities. This shift in focus can lead to increased productivity or engagement in activities that contribute positively to your well-being.

New Year’s Resolution Ideas For Simplifying Daily Routines

Here are some ideas you can try to help simplifying your daily routine.

11) Follow the 2-Minute Rule

Time passing concept. Crystal hourglass with red sand on wooden table and dark background

If a task can be completed within two minutes, address it immediately. This simple practice prevents small tasks from accumulating and becoming overwhelming.

Here are some examples of how this rule can be applied in everyday life:

  1. Emails and Messages: If you receive an email or a message that you can respond to in two minutes or less, do it right away. This prevents your inbox from becoming cluttered with unaddressed messages.
  2. Household Chores: Small tasks like washing a few dishes, taking out the trash, or wiping down a counter can often be done in two minutes or less. By doing these tasks immediately, you prevent them from piling up and becoming a larger, more daunting task.
  3. Work Tasks: If you’re working and come across a small task like filing a document, making a quick phone call, or updating a spreadsheet, and you can do it in two minutes or less, do it right away. This helps keep your workspace organized and your to-do list manageable.
  4. Health and Fitness: If you have two minutes to spare, you can do a quick set of exercises like push-ups or sit-ups. This not only helps to keep you fit, but also breaks up the monotony of sitting for long periods.
  5. Learning and Development: If you come across a new word or concept that you’re unfamiliar with, take two minutes to look it up and learn something new.

By addressing these small tasks immediately, you can keep your life organized and prevent small tasks from becoming overwhelming. It’s a simple yet effective strategy for managing your time and workload.

12) Do Something Now to Make Later Easier:

Think about what you can do in advance, to make things easier later. Taking small steps now, whether organizing, planning, or completing a task, contributes to a more manageable workload down the line.

For example, you can prep your coffee maker the night before so when you stumble into the kitchen in the morning, all you gotta do is hit the ‘start’ button. Or maybe it’s sorting your laundry as you toss it into the hamper, so you don’t have to separate colors from whites on laundry day.

It’s all about taking a few extra moments now to save yourself time and effort later.


To recap, the 12 ideas for New Year’s resolutions are:

  1. Spend 10 Minutes a Day Decluttering:
  2. Declutter One Thing a Day:
  3. Daily Reset of Important Areas:
  4. Make Your Bed Every Morning:
  5. Schedule Donation Well in Advance
  6. Think About Where You’ll Store the New Item Before It’s Bought:
  7. One In, One Out for items in the same category
  8. Wait for two Weeks before buying:
  9. Unsubscribe From Emails:
  10. Find something to do in Place of Scrolling on Social Media:
  11. Follow the 2-Minute Rule
  12. Do Something Now to Make Later Easier:

So, which one (or more) of the above are you most likely to try?