How To Declutter Fast (10 Helpful Tips)

Have you ever looked at all the stuff that’s in your home, wondering how long it will take to achieve a clutter-free home?

If you lack of time and are looking for a best way to declutter fast, you are in the right place. I am here to offer some guidance.

In this article, I will share some actionable yet simple tips to help you declutter quickly and efficiently, so you can enjoy a more stress-free living space with your family sooner.

Are you ready? Let’s set the stage for quick and efficient decluttering:

Tips To declutter fast When you have so much stuff

If you don’t want your decluttering process to last for a long time, here are some tips that can help you speed up your process.

Tip #1: Set your decluttering goals and plan ahead

Before rolling up your sleeves and diving in, the first step is to set a clear goal. This way you know exactly where to focus on, which will help you get the results fast.

So, why do you want to declutter? Is it because you’re tired of constantly picking up your kids’ toys in the living room? Is it because you’re often feeling anxious and grouchy in your own home, and you think the cluttered environment might be the reason?

Besides having a “why” for your decluttering journey, it’s also helpful to set small goals for each declutter session. Here are some examples to get you started:

  • In the next 30 minutes, I will find X pieces of clothing items to put in the donate box.
  • I will finish sorting through the junk drawer this afternoon.

Tip#2: Use the “YES” Mindset

Having a right mindset makes a great difference. The “yes” mindset is a great way to make decluttering faster and more efficient.

Instead of focusing on what to get rid of, you focus on what you want to KEEP. After you pick out the “keep” items, the rest are unwanted items you can let go.

By choosing what you want to keep, you save time and make the decluttering process easier. You skip the long process of evaluating each item. It’s like handpicking your favorite things and letting go of the rest.

Tip #2: Target high-impact areas

When you are comfortable about your decluttering skills, you can tackle spaces like the living room, kitchen, or your wardrobe, as they’re often the heart of your home’s clutter.

Clearing these areas will make the biggest impact on your decluttering progress, and you will instantly feel a sense of accomplishment. By prioritizing high-impact areas and making decisive choices, you’ll make substantial progress in simplifying your home and life.

Tip #4: Race Against Time

Time passing concept. Crystal hourglass with red sand on wooden table and dark background

One thing about decluttering that I used struggle with: my mind tended to wander as I tried to decide what to keep and what to toss.

I’d be surrounded by stuff, pondering questions like, “Do I really like this thing? Will I ever actually use it? What if this situation happens and I need to use it? Does it add any real value to my life?”

Then, I’d get lost thinking about the memories attached to these items, and/or thinking about all the possible scenarios where I might need to use them.

And before I knew it, hours had slipped by, and I hadn’t made much decluttering progress.

However, a game-changing revelation came when I began imposing time limits. Setting a clear deadline reminded me that I didn’t have time to waste, making me significantly more efficient in the process.

The pressure of the ticking clock helps you focus, eliminates distractions and indecision. Try setting a 30-minute timer for each of your decluttering session. You will be amazed by how much progress you’ve made in such small amount of time!

Tip #5: Ask a simple question

If you’re aiming for a speedy decluttering process, it’s essential to pose straightforward questions that facilitate quick decision-making.

Avoid delving into open-ended queries like, “In what situations will I need this item again?” or “Has this item fulfilled its purpose?”

Instead, consider employing the practical question I’ve gleaned from Dana K. White who wrote Decluttering at the Speed of Life:

Where would I search for this item if I needed it?” If you can’t identify a specific location or purpose for the item, it’s to be decluttered.

Dana’s approach is all about reducing decision fatigue and making the decluttering process more efficient.

By focusing on where you would naturally look for an item and whether it has a clear, practical use in your life, you can quickly determine whether it’s worth keeping or if it’s time to get rid of it.

Tip #6: Involve Family Members

Kids volunteers sorting toys, clothes, books, donation goods in donate charity boxes indoors

If you are overwhelmed by the amount of stuff you are facing, why not involve your family members?

When everyone in the family participates, not only does it lighten your workload, but it also promotes a sense of shared responsibility and teamwork.

Assign specific areas or tasks to each family member, depending on their age and capabilities. Encourage open communication and decision-making, giving each person a voice in determining what to keep and discard.

I also have an article about how to involve your kids in decluttering. If you are interested, check it out!

With everyone working together, decluttering becomes a collaborative and bonding experience, and you’ll be amazed at how quickly your whole house transforms into a clutter-free oasis.

Tip #7: Trust Your Instincts, Make Quick Decisions

When it comes to decluttering, one key lesson I’ve learned is the importance of trusting your instincts. We often find ourselves caught in the trap of overthinking, endlessly considering every possible scenario where we might need a particular item.

Overthinking can stall your decluttering progress. Instead, it’s vital to trust your instincts. Your gut feeling is often a reliable guide. If you have to think too hard about keeping something, it might be a sign that it’s time to let it go.

So, don’t get stuck in the endless cycle of what-ifs. Trust your instincts, and make swift decisions.

Donation box with clothing on red background close-up

Tip #8: Identify Decluttering Obstacles that slow down your progress

To declutter quickly, it’s important to understand the common obstacles that might slow you down. These challenges often include:

  1. Emotional attachment
  2. Too many “Just in case” or “what if” items
  3. Feeling wasteful
  4. Feeling guilty
  5. Worrying about regretting later

Once you’ve pinpointed the issue, you can work on tailored solutions.

Tip#9: Don’t empty everything out

If you don’t like the idea of taking everything out first then sorting, you will appreciate this one. This decluttering method speeds up your decluttering process and doesn’t make a mess:

There is no need to remove every item from your drawer or cabinet. Just prepare a ‘donate box’ and a trash bag.

Simply grab an item and ask yourself: Do I want to keep this item? If yes, and it’s not currently in the right place, just bring it to the proper storage place. If this is an item you don’t want to keep, decide if it needs to go to ‘donate box’ or the trash.

This approach allows you to streamline the decluttering process. It is an easy way to keep your space organized while decluttering. This way, if you only have little time, you can still make it an efficient decluttering session.

Tip #10: Shop with Intention to Avoid impulse buys

Shopping with intention means having a clear plan when you shop. It’s like creating a shopping list before going to the grocery store. You know exactly what you need and stick to it. This prevents you from picking up items on a whim that may end up as clutter in your home.

By incorporating these mindful approaches, you’ll not only declutter faster but also prevent future clutter from accumulating.


Decluttering your home takes lots of hard work, but the good news is it doesn’t have to be a daunting tasks that takes so much time.

With the right mindset and some helpful strategies, your decluttering effort will pay off and you will achieve a clutter-free home much more quickly.

Let’s recap these 10 tips:

  • Set a goal and plan ahead
  • The YES mindset
  • Target high-impact areas
  • Race against time
  • Ask only one simple question
  • Involve family members
  • Trust your instincts, make quick decisions
  • Identify obstacle that slow you down
  • Don’t empty everything out
  • Practice mindful consumption

With these decluttering tips, you can reclaim your space, reduce stress, and create a haven of peace and order for you and your family.

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