How To Declutter Without Feeling Like “Throwing Money Away”

Decluttering can be tough, especially if you have “nice” things, or things that are almost new and fully functional. When you think about the money you’ve spent on them, getting rid of them sure feels like throwing away your hard-earned money!

If you are having a hard time letting go because you feel wasteful, this post is for you!

I will show you how to shift your mindset away from money and focus on more important things in your life. I will also provide practical tips to trim down your things, discover new uses for what you already own, and maybe even make some extra cash.

Are you ready? Let’s dive in!

Mindsets to help you declutter without feeling wasteful

Here are 4 mindsets that will help you declutter without feeling like you’re throwing away your hard-earned cash.

Mindset #1: Sunk Costs

According to Wikipedia, a sunk cost is a cost that has already been incurred and cannot be recovered.

The moment you clicked on the “BUY” button, your money is gone (technically it’s the moment you paid your credit card bill, but you get my point). No matter how long you keep that item around, the money would never be recovered.

Realizing this helps you let go emotionally and focus on today and tomorrow, not past spending choices.

Let’s do a mindset shift: Your bank balance won’t decrease any further, so it’s perfectly fine to declutter!

Mindset #2: Keeping clutter might be more costly than you think

Think about the cost of keeping things that you don’t use.

There’s the physical cost of storing these items, which takes up valuable space in your home. How much are you paying rent or mortgage for your clutter? Are you renting a storage unit for things that are “useful” but haven’t been used?

There’s also the cost of your time and energy spent cleaning around and moving these things every time you need to use something else stored nearby.

In addition, there’s the emotional cost of living with clutter that constantly reminds you of what you haven’t been able to accomplish.

After all, holding onto clutter might be more wasteful than decluttering!

Mindset #3: focus on “space”, not “stuff”

Shift your attention from “stuff” to “space”, you will find it easier to let go of clutter.

Instead of thinking:

  • This item is useful.
  • This item is beautiful and almost brand new.
  • I paid so much money for this item!

You can think about:

  • How much space can I create in the closet by getting rid of this item.
  • How my space will make me feel once I get rid of all the clutter.
  • How can I create more space for stuff that’s more meaningful?

Once you start thinking about your home as a place to relax and rejuvenate, it becomes much easier to let go of things that don’t serve a purpose.

Mindset#4: don’t punish yourself by keeping stuff purchased by mistake

Don’t be too hard on yourself – we’ve all made impulse purchases or bought things and regretted later on. Just learn the lesson from your mistake and move on.

I remember impulsively buying a t-shirt without trying it on first. Once I got home, I realized it didn’t suit me as I had hoped. Despite that, I held onto it, thinking I could eventually figure out a way to make it work in an outfit.

Unfortunately, that never happened. Every time I opened my closet, it served as a reminder of this shopping misstep, and it didn’t make me feel good. Finally, I made the decision to part with it, and after doing so, I felt a sense of relief.

Keeping mistake purchases is like a never-ending punishment. Just consider the mistake as a learning experience. Once the lesson is learned, forgive yourself, and let go of the things that don’t truly bring value.

How to declutter without feeling Wasteful

In addition to adapting the mindsets mentioned above, here are some actionable tips:

Tip#1: donate to a charity with a cause that you believe in

When you declutter with a purpose – by donating to a good cause – you can feel good knowing that your unwanted items are going to help people in need.

Do some research on your local charities and find an organization with a cause that best suits your beliefs. You will be motivated to help those in need, and stop dwelling on the monetary value of the stuff that you are getting rid of.

Tip#2: Upcycle and repurpose

Decluttering can be hard, especially when you don’t want to part with items that are still in good condition. The good news is, there are loads of creative solutions that can help you keep your beloved belongings!

Upcycling and repurposing items so that they fulfill another purpose or become something entirely new is a great way to make sure everything you love has a place in your life.

Take an old chest you don’t have any use for and turn it into a coffee table, use outdated plates as decorations on the walls, or upholster some cushions with fabric remnants – there are endless possibilities!

However, there is one crucial point to keep in mind: if your motivation for creating DIY projects is only because you want to keep stuff, your projects might never come true. So, it’s important to be realistic about your interest and commitment level.

Tip #3: sell items that are in good condition

Selling your secondhand items can be a great way to declutter your home and make a little extra cash at the same time. There are lots of ways to do this these days. You can have a yard sale, sell items on consignment, or even sell them online through sites like eBay or Facebook Marketplace.

Just remember to be realistic about what you are selling. Understand that not everything will sell, and don’t be disappointed by the low prices you are offered. If you predict the money you get for selling an item is worth the effort you put in to make a sale, then go for it!


If you’re attached to your belongings because of the money spent on them, it’s time for a mental shift.

Sunk costs are just that – sunk. And they can’t be recovered no matter how long you keep an item around. Hidden costs like storage, time, and energy can really add up. In addition, don’t punish yourself endlessly by keeping your purchase mistakes. Finally, focus on creating “space” instead of only thinking about your stuff.

3 ways to declutter without feeling like you are throwing money away are: donating to a charity with a cause that you believe in; find creative ways to repurpose and upcycle; sell items that are still in good condition but be realistic about your return.

I hope this post is helpful to you!

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