How To Shop Like A Minimalist

In today’s society, it’s easy to get caught up in the consumption mindset.

We’re constantly bombarded with ads and marketing messages telling us that we need to buy this new item or upgrade our wardrobe. It can be overwhelming and leave us feeling like we’re not good enough.

But it doesn’t have to be this way! There is another way to approach shopping, and it starts with minimalism.

What is Minimalism?

Minimalism is a lifestyle choice that emphasizes “living with less”.

This can mean decluttering your home, getting rid of unnecessary possessions, and simplifying your life so that you can focus on what’s truly important to you.

When it comes to shopping, minimalism means being intentional with your purchases and only buying what you need.

Here are some tips on how you can shop like a minimalist:

1. Avoid Wandering at the Mall

One of the biggest traps we can fall into is aimlessly wandering around the mall or going window shopping.

When you window shop, it’s easy to get caught up in the moment and convince yourself that you need something that you really don’t. You increase your chance of making impulse purchases when you’re simply idling away your time.

To avoid this temptation, it’s important to find other hobbies that you enjoy and can occupy your time when you’re not working or running errands.

Whether it’s reading, taking walks, or working on a project, having a constructive activity to focus on will help you to resist the urge to splurge.

2. take control of your leisure screen time

Additionally, develop healthy habits like taking breaks from your phone so you’re not as tempted to browse online shopping sites.

For example, try setting yourself a limit of 30 minutes per day for leisurely phone use, and use the extra time you now have to read or meet up with friends in person.

In addition to reducing your phone usage, another way to cut down on marketing overload is by unsubscribing from retail emails and memberships.

This way, you won’t be as tempted to make purchases when you see sales or new arrivals in your inbox.

If you want to take things one step further, you can also delete any apps or browser extensions that allow retailers to send notifications directly to your phone or computer desktop.

3. evaluate your true intentions of the purchase

Sometimes we buy for the wrong reasons. Begin to shop like a minimalist by being honest with yourself about your motivation for wanting to buy.

Before you make a purchase, honestly assess why you want to buy it in the first place.

Is it because you have carefully considered it and know it will add value to your life?

Or is it because you are bored and want something new? Are you trying to make yourself feel better by buying something new? Are you buying it to impress someone else, real or imagined?

4. Know Your Inventory

Another mistake we often make is forgetting what we already have.

Before making a trip to the grocery store or the mall, take inventory of what you already have. Knowing what items you already own prevents you from accidentally buying duplicates or items that are similar to what you already own.

While checking your inventory, you can also take the opportunity to see if there’s anything you can recycle or donate. This will help you save money and declutter your space at the same time!

5. Research your options beforehand

Oftentimes, we get excited for new things without knowing if it’s really what we need or if it will meet our expectations.

Before buying something, do your research first. Read online reviews and compare ratings. Make sure to think about the pros and cons of the item you want to buy.

6. Go Shopping with a List, and stick to it!

It’s important to go into a shopping trip prepared with a list of what you need.

Creating a shopping list ensures that you only buy what you need and don’t get distracted by other items in the store. It can be tempting to impulsively buy things that are on sale or that you didn’t know you needed, but if it’s not on your list then it’s not worth buying.

Sticking to your list saves you money and time, and prevents you from bringing home unnecessary items (and future clutter). So next time you head to the store, be sure to bring a list with you – and don’t forget to stick to it!


Shopping like a minimalist doesn’t mean never buying anything new – it just means being more intentional with your purchases. The next time you go shopping, keep these tips in mind and enjoy the process!

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