9 Easy Ways To Make Decluttering More fun and Enjoyable

If you are dreading your decluttering task because it’s exhausting and boring, then this article can help you get through the process more smoothly.

From my experience of massive decluttering before moving abroad, I had discovered some clever ways to turn decluttering into an enjoyable and even “fun” activity. 

Want to learn some easy ways to make decluttering more fun and enjoyable? Keep reading! 

First, set your decluttering goal

Before you dive into the decluttering process, remember this: setting clear decluttering goals is always your first step. 

Ask yourself: Why do I want to declutter?

Do you want to create room for a home office? Do you want to have more closet space so you can get dressed more efficiently in the morning? Or do you want to enjoy peace and quiet in a clutter-free home? 

Be as specific as possible, so that you will know what areas/items to focus on, and will be less likely to give up when things get rough.

How to make decluttering more enjoyable

Here are some of the fun ways that can make your decluttering process more enjoyable.

1. listen to your favorite podcast show only when decluttering  

Pick a podcast show, or compile a playlist that’s exclusively for decluttering time. You’ll find yourself looking forward to decluttering time because you can’t wait to catch up on your favorite show!

2. Document Your progress

Take pictures of your ‘DECLUTTERED’ piles and the newly decluttered area when on a break, and see how much progress you have made during that period.

3. Share Your Progress On Social Media

Once you post your progress photos on social media, you feel the ‘obligation’ to keep your friends/family/followers posted, which will keep you going until your decluttering project is done.  The praise and support from friends and family will also encourage you to keep going.  

4. Race against time

If you are easily distracted, racing against the clock will help you stay focused. In addition, when you are indecisive about what stays and what goes, having limited time will force you go with your gut feelings.

Pick a small area (not your entire house) that can be decluttered within a short period of time (say, 30 minutes).  Set a timer, and start decluttering! 

5. Ask a friend to be your declutter companion

If your clutter is overwhelming you and are afraid of taking on the challenge of decluttering alone, it’s a good idea to ask for help from a friend or a family member. 

Make sure your friend gets clear instructions as to her role and what she needs to do. Do you only want her company and to chat with you while working on your decluttering task? Or do you want her to provide opinions when you are indecisive about what to let go of?  

Let her know how involved she needs to be before you start.

6. Get Support From An Online Group

If you don’t want to trouble your friend but still want to get support and motivation, try joining an online community with people on a similar path. 

These groups also often have experienced members who can offer easy tips and valuable advice. If you ever get stuck or need help with a particular decluttering task, the good news is, that you can always get their expertise via a quick message.

Beyond practical benefits, you’ll find emotional support. Decluttering can bring up various feelings, and being part of a group means you can share these emotions with people who understand.

7. Make it a friendly Competition

Are you a competitive person? 

If you have a friend, a family member, or neighbor who would also like to declutter his/her home, you can create a competition.  

Having a competition with friends is a fun way to motivate yourself and others to get rid of as much as you can.

Here are some ideas for a competition:

  • Start a timer for 1 hour, see who can declutter more within that hour.
  • Get rid of X number of unwanted items per day.  Take photos of your decluttered items for evidence.  See who can go on the longest. 
  • Declutter 30 minutes daily. See who can go on the longest. 

The above list is just some ideas.  You can get creative and come up with games that are suitable for you and your friends!

8. Create a decluttering challenge for yourself

If you’re tackling the decluttering process solo, don’t worry; you can still make it fun and motivating. 

Consider embarking on challenges like the 30-Day Minimalism Game, where you gradually remove items over a month. You continue this pattern, increasing the number of items you declutter each day. By the end of the 30 days, you’ll have removed a total of 465 items from your life.

Another good challenge is the 12-12-12 Challenge, which encourages you to find 12 things to throw away, 12 to donate, and 12 to return to their proper storage place in a single session.

These challenges can turn decluttering into an enjoyable and rewarding journey, even when you’re doing it all on your own.

9. make decluttering your 10-minute daily routine

If you have a busy schedule, or are only willing to devote 10 minutes a day to declutter, then you will like this method of decluttering.

Put a donation box (or a trash bag will do) in a convenient place (for example, in your bedroom closet or mudroom closet), set aside 10 minutes a day to look for unwanted stuff to get rid of. 

Even though you only declutter a little bit a day, it’s a simple way to create a good habit to be aware of your space.

The most important thing is to pick the right time.

Avoid doing it when you’re super busy or tired. Instead, check your daily schedule for a good spot when you have some energy to spare. It could be right after your morning coffee or during a short break in the afternoon. 

By aligning your quick decluttering session with your natural energy levels, it becomes an easy and even enjoyable part of your routine. 


To recap, the 9 fun and easy ways to make decluttering an enjoyable experience:

  • Put on music or podcast
  • Document your progress
  • Share your progress on social media
  • Set a timer
  • Ask a friend to be your declutter companion
  • Join an online support group
  • Make it a friendly competition
  • Create a challenge for yourself
  • Make it a 10-minute daily routine

Which one is your favorite way that you would like to try first? 

I hope you can find inspiration from this article to help your declutter project!

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