7 Creative Ways to Get Motivated and Start Decluttering

Do you enjoy scrolling through decluttering videos and admiring pictures of beautifully organized homes, feeling inspired? 

However, when you set your phone aside and power down your computer, do you revert back to your old self, struggling to summon the motivation to start your decluttering project?

If you are struggling to find your decluttering motivation, this post is for you.

In this article, I’ll share seven creative ways to help you get motivated to take the first step and start decluttering.

Know the Benefits of Decluttering

Decluttering brings many great benefits.

First, it makes your home feel more spacious and organized. You’ll have less stuff to clean and can find things easily.  Second, it’s beneficial for your mental health since it reduces stress; a tidy space promotes a sense of peace.

Third, it can save you money. When you know what you have, you won’t spend extra money buying things you already own. Lastly, it frees up time to do what you love. Think of it like having more time to enjoy your hobbies or spend with loved ones. 

The Most Important Thing: Setting Decluttering Goals

Before you embark on your decluttering journey, always begin with a crucial step: defining clear decluttering objectives.

Start by asking yourself, “Why do I want to declutter?”

Is it to make space for a home office? Perhaps you desire a more organized closet to streamline your morning routine. Maybe you’re seeking the serenity of a clutter-free home.

These goals act as your guiding lights, ensuring you stay on course. Think of them as a roadmap leading you to a clutter-free living space.

So, take a moment to set your goals; you’ll discover that the decluttering process gains a sense of purpose and direction.

7 Creative Ways To Get Motivated And Start Decluttering

​1. Invite People Over For Coffee

Sometimes, all it takes is a little social pressure to kickstart your decluttering journey. 

Invite friends over for a casual coffee or tea gathering. When you know people are coming over, it encourages you to tidy up your cluttered and messy home. 

You might not have enough time to declutter your entire home, but you can start by decluttering spaces you’re most embarrassed to let your friends see, like the entryway, dining room, living room, or kitchen. The idea of creating a clutter-free and inviting space for your guests can be a strong motivator. Imagine having a clean dining table for coffee and conversation instead of a cluttered one. 

It’s a practical way to make your home more inviting while simplifying your life, and your friends will appreciate the hard work and effort.

2. Establish Good Habits By Starting Small

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Decluttering doesn’t have to feel like a daunting task, and you don’t need to declutter your entire house all at once.  

To make it manageable, begin with small tasks. For example, you can apply the wisdom of James Clear’s Atomic Habits: commit to decluttering just one thing each day and weave it into an existing routine.

Consider this: while getting dressed in the morning, spend a minute decluttering one piece of clothing. This quick task, requiring only a little time and effort, is an achievable goal. It is also a great way to boost your confidence as you progressively simplify your life.

This approach not only gradually simplifies your home but also cultivates awareness of your surroundings. Over time, you’ll notice the positive impact of these small daily actions. You’ll have a neater space, fewer unnecessary belongings, and a lighter, simpler life.

3. Implement A Reward/Punishment System

Incorporate a reward system into your decluttering routine. However, make sure the rewards are non-material items. Treat yourself to a spa day, enjoy a glass of wine at your favorite restaurant, or a movie night after completing some decluttering tasks. 

On the flip side, it’s also a good idea to introduce a punishment element. For example, for each day that you slack off, you will need to give a dollar to a friend. 

The combination of rewards and consequences can be a powerful motivator.

4. Challenge With Others

The lack of motivation can be solved by some peer pressure.  If you have a friend, a neighbor, or members from the same Facebook group who would also like to declutter his/her home, you can create a competition.  

Having a competition with friends is a fun way to motivate yourself and others to get rid of as much as you can.

Here are some ideas for a competition:

  • Start a timer for 1 hour, see who can declutter more within that hour.
  • Get rid of X number of unwanted items per day.  Take photos of your decluttered items for evidence.  See who can go on the longest. 
  • Declutter 30 minutes daily. See who can go on the longest. 

The above list is just some ideas.  You can get creative and come up with games that are suitable for you and your friends!

Compare your progress, see who completes their decluttering journey first, or compete to see who can declutter the most. Friendly competition can make decluttering fun and exciting, pushing you to stay on track.

5. Seek Support From A Friend Or Family Member

Sometimes, all you need is an accountability partner to lend support and motivation. 

Reach out to a friend and ask for their assistance. Be specific about what kind of help you need. Do you want them to be your cheerleader, offering encouragement and moral support? Or would you like them to be a hands-on companion, helping with the physical decluttering process? 

Clearly communicating your expectations will ensure they provide the support you need.

6. Stop Shopping For A While

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If the thought of decluttering still seems overwhelming to you, one effective strategy is to halt the inflow of new things into your home. 

When you stop shopping for new things, you are forced to pay attention to the items you already own. You’ll naturally start finding new uses for things you haven’t touched in a while and be more inclined to let go of items that no longer serve a purpose. 

This shift in focus will change your perception of “stuff” in your decluttering journey.

7. Create A Vision Board For Your Ideal Space

Crafting a vision board for your ideal, clutter-free space is another easy way to spark your decluttering motivation. 

Gather magazines, images from social media, or even your own sketches to create a visual representation of what you want your home to look like once it’s decluttered. 

Display this vision board in a prominent place where you’ll see it daily. The visual reminder of your decluttering goals can be a powerful source of inspiration.

How To Stay Motivated When Decluttering

Staying motivated during the decluttering process is just as important as finding the initial motivation to start. 

It’s a journey, and to help you along the way, I’ve put together some valuable tips. If you’d like to discover how to maintain your motivation and keep that decluttering momentum going, I’ve written another post dedicated to this topic. 

In 6 Simple Tricks to Stay Motivated When Decluttering Your Home, you’ll learn practical strategies to ensure that you stay inspired and continue on your path to a clutter-free and simplified life. So, if you’re eager to keep the motivation alive, be sure to check it out!


In conclusion, finding the motivation to start decluttering can be challenging, but with these creative and simple ways, you can overcome the initial hurdle. 

Remember that decluttering is a journey, and these strategies can help you take those important first steps toward a simple life.

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